I have worked really hard to make it to stage three of three in my part 141 Pilot School. I took today off the last check ride I had was a really tough one...the guy who did my check ride was ex miliary, and though I do respect the military one must remember I am civilian and I intend on being taught this way (AKA no yelling). So there I was doing my check list, and after 25 hours of flying in school so far I made two really stupid mistakes in the beginning of this check ride, the first was I didn't put in my altimiter correctly from the ATIS and the second I didn't retract my flaps all the way before take off. After over a hundred take offs how could this possibly be my worst! I get really bad test anxiety I suppose. Anyway, as part of this check ride I had to take the instructor to a new airport and back. My biggest fear was getting lost though I was good at navigating. So this took my focus off flying the plane as well as I normally do.Now this instructor did not like a lot of things I did, dispite my excellent navigation he barked at me the whole time which to some degree I can take as constructive critisizm; however, I don't like to be yelled at and as you will find I tell him so.This man actually fell asleep during the ride (something that he was renowned for) only to wake up on the 20 minute flight and tell me that I didn't know where I was. On the other hand I didn know where I was and I explained to him the exact location and pointed out the destination airport. He actually sounded upset because I knew where I was and diverted me to an airport really far away. To his dismay I found that one too. When it came time to land (after landing a plane over a hundred times) he did not like how I landed one bit. He began barking at me during the whole process. Taking a wide base is something I normally do and will always do because it gives me time to think and to lower my flaps etc. His barking was so agrivating I told him to stop yelling or I wasn't going to land the plane. Well, no surprise he did not like this at all. No sir. Let me ask you something though, as pilot in command I always view my self as in a car. If someone is doing something disturbing that is going to indanger myself or the passenger I am going to tell them to stop right? I mean I'd tell the Pope to take off his ring there was too much glare and I couldn't see the run way if that bothered me. So the whole thing was a mess (according to him) Im sure he reported I couldn't fly to my instructor which I have to face today. But my instructor knows better he has been in the air with me for three months and knows my skill, though not perfect not nearly as bad as the check ride instructor portrayed it. Well I passed, somehow, so now I am in my final stage of school my last 7-10 hours before my tests witht he FAA. I will keep document of every day so hopefully it will be some insight for those nearing their Final Check Ride, Oral exam, and Written.
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