After speeking to my father; he said that he has been following my blog as a book, so let me keep this a little more detailed so my family can always know what is going on. I am currently at 30 hours of flight time the FAA requires a minumum of 35 hours to be accepted to take the final test by the flight examiner; however, nobody hardly ever does it in 35 hours it's more like 40 (considering the extra practice and review before the test).
So allow me to answer some questions since everyone seems to keep asking them over and over and over:
1. What was your first solo flight like?
- During your first solo you are actually not nervous at first. I selected the wrong frequency 3 times trying to contact ground control. It was then I realized umm, calm down and think. So after I slowed down everything else went more smoothly. I never had a moment of panic taking off or landing. I think that it only hit me on the taxiing. Though the airport is familiar to me its a little different when you do it on your own. I second guessed every direction I went even though the signs where everywhere grass was grown over half of them and I had directives I wasn't to land and hold short as a student pilot; however they gave me directives to do it anyway. But can't argue with the tower rather listen to them then get hit by an incoming jet! I was instructed to do three take offs three landings and taxi to a new runway each time, then return back to point of departure. I did well. All of my landings where pretty good the first one was a bit rough for my first solo landing they gave me the directive to make short approach and land. A stupid order for a first time solo student. It should have been a normal landing or they should have continued my downwind. So I made a VERY steep landing and landed pretty fast and took the liberty of passing my exit and going down Juliet, better safe than flip! The Academy I attend has a ritual the shirt you fly in comes off you back...literally they cut it off your back and you have to turn it into a piece of artwork!
Anyway afterward you kinda feel like your in a fraternity, they (the school and your instructor) cut the back of your shirt off and you paint it; they then hang it on the wall with the mural of first time solo shirts :) So besides looking like a retard I was a proud retard lol.
Today it is in my syllabus to do some solo work above the practice area and practive power on and off stalls.
2. What if you get lost...Climb Circle and Freakin Call for help, the same thing you should do on the road duh.
3. What if you are not able to land on the runway? Punch in the power and go around, you don't have to land.
4. Whats the highest you've gone? 5500 ft
5. Is it scary? No.
6. What is it expensive, how much? Yes. 8500+
I really want to finish school I only have a few days of flight left and a LOT of studying to do, I feel like my nose is always in the book. Hopefully the weather will hold up for the rest of the month and I can schedule my appt. with the FAA!
Below I have posted a video of our Airfield that I practice on the main planes I fly are the C-152 25244 and C-162-6602D
It was a a hot day that day, I was told by a highly expierience Senior Pilot with over 50 years of flight experience, the disregard the check-list until you check the fuel because most likely your gonna have to wait forever for them to fuel it. And this is the case on this 110 Degree Day as Josh and I wait for the the fuel truck to lolligag over in thesweltering heat.